Everything Else —2 min read
XY Problems in User Stories

XY problems are everywhere. Even hidden in plain sight in many user stories.

Everything Else —2 min read
Beware the false premise

How do you know that the work you're doing is building on a valid premise?

Everything Else —1 min read
Counterintuitive ideas

Often the "obvious" answer blinds us to the "correct" answer.

Everything Else —49 min listen
Adventures In DevOps 092: Scaling Your Applications with Kafka and Scaling Kafka ft. Abhinav Dhasmana

Abhinav Dhasmana joins the adventure to discuss how he got Kafka to scale to handle thousands of messages. He explains how to scale Kafka up and how to allow applications to scale with the messaging architecture provided by Kafka.

Everything Else —1 min read
Another look behind the scenes of this post

I recently created an 8-minute video where I walk through my daly routine of writing one of these emails.

Everything Else —52 min listen
Auf die Ohren und ins Hirn 52: DevOps in Small Companies

DevOps is usually viewed in the context of large organizations. But what does DevOps look like in small organizations? Does DevOps make sense in this context? Is it even feasible?

Everything Else —54 min listen
Adventures In DevOps 089: Networking Across Clouds with Kubernetes ft. Alex feiszli

Alex Feiszli from GRAVITL joins the adventure to discuss how to securely connect Kubernetes clusters across clouds from one cluster to another. The discussion spans how to make secure connections and how the connections might be used.

Everything Else —3 min read
A simple solution to the confusion between "testing" and "checking"

The distinction some make between "testing" and "checking" is valuable. But the terminology is not. We can do better (with practically no effort).

Everything Else —2 min read
Save "Check" for chess

"Check" is one of the most ambiguous function names I see. Avoid it.

Everything Else —26 min watch
PyCon AU presentation: The Butterfly Effect

I relate the story of a single bit gone wrong back in 2006, which launched my career on a new trajectory of root-cause analysis, continuous improvement, and DevOps.

Everything Else —49 min listen
Adventures In DevOps 084: Kubernetes Schema Validation Tools with Eyar Zilberman

Eyar Zilberman joins the adventure to discuss Kubernetes schema validation tools. The panel jumps in and discusses the power of and the pros and cons of the different kinds of schema validations.