Regular Expressions Are the Best! s/Best/Worst/
Regular Expressions. Ya love 'em or ya hate 'em. But it shouldn't be so black-or-white. Here's when they do, and don't make sense.
Refactoring Revisited
Many people don't understand refactoring, and this leads to several anti-patterns.
The Dangers of Fatal Logging
log.Fatal violates the Single Responsibility Principle in insidious ways. Never use it!
Refactoring itself is worthless
Why refactoring doesn't, and shouldn't provide direct business value
How to get better at story slicing
How do you avoid days-long pull requests? How do you make your changes smaller?
Why "Consider refactoring this" comments are silly
Code is always subject to refactoring when the need arises. Adding a comment to that effect is just noise.
Tiny DevOps episode #26 Parham Doustdar — The Blind Leading the Sighted: What We Can Learn From an Ex-Software Engineer Without Sight
Parham Doustdar, Engineering Manager of Accessibility at, joins me to discuss life as a fully blind sofware engineer, and how we can make engineering tools more accessible for everyone, not just those with disabilities.
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How can I eliminate technical debt?
You can't eliminate technical debt. Nor should you want to. But where does that leaev us?
Adventures In DevOps 095: Dev vs DevOps: Which Will You Choose?
Jillian, Jonathan, Will, and Chuck discuss where the line is between Development and DevOps and what the difference is. They also get into the value of each and when crossover is likely to occur.
Tiny DevOps episode #20 J. B. Rainsberger — Mastering Evolutionary Design, Part 2
J. B. Rainsberger offers practical advice on how to "get over the hump" of evolutionary design, and really, how to learn any new skill.