Adventures In DevOps 091: How to Get Started with DevOps
Will and Jonathan discuss how to get started with a career in DevOps and how companies can get things started at your company with DevOps.
Reader question: What kind of role should I look for when starting a career in DevOps?
“Is it a good idea to look for specifically DevOps roles, or other positions like sys admin, engineer, etc?”
DevOps Careers Q&A Replay
“How do we cope with the expectation that we need to be learning new DevOps technologies all the time?” and other Q&A
Knowledge options
Normally when we think of up-skilling, we think of taking a class. But what if you never use that knowledge? A knowledge option is a tool to reduce this risk.
How to learn DevOps
In this article, my goal is to clear up some confusion about “DevOps”, and provide some pointers for those who want to learn more.
The craziest interview ever
"What is the RGB color code for yellow?" and other actual questions I actually got during the worst SRE interview of my life.
Are you above average?
If you have less than 5 years experience, you're in good company. If you have more than 5 years experience, with great power comes great responsibility.
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How long should your résumé be?
What I think is more important than a résumé's length is that the first half of the first page tells me: What role are you looking for, and what level of experience do you have?
Tiny DevOps episode #10 Erik Dietrich — Avoiding the Trap of Expert Beginnerism
Erik Dietrich is the author of "The Expert Beginner", which expands on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition with the addition of the "Expert Beginner", one who stops learning, incorrectly believing they have achieved expert level.
Don't be a rock star
The existence of a "rock star" engineer is a strong indicator of organizational dysfunction.
From the message queue: What is the best company to work for as a beginner?
What job should you choose out of school? Choose a one based on which will help you achieve your personal career goals.