It's retro day!
If you find that you can improve the way you're working, don't wait.Get your bell-bottoms and mirror ball ready! It’s retro day!
How do I know?
Because every day is retro day!
Of course, I mean retrospective day, not necissarily Disco Fever (although that never hurts, either).
In other words, if you’re waiting until your next designated official team retrospective meeting in a week or two, or a month, or whatever… you’re waiting too long.
If you or your team find that you can improve the way you’re working, don’t wait. Discuss the options now. Examine the waste now.
And what’s more: the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And the more often you’ll see small areas for improvement, and the more natural continuous improvement will become for you.
A scheduled retrospective should be the minimum time you wait to discuss improving. But never an excuse to put off improvement until a later date.