The One Agile Scaling Framework to Rule Them All

Learn about the amazing benfits of the Scaled Agile DevOps Maturity Framework (SAD MF), the silver bullet that you, and literally everyone else, should be using!

I’m sorry to divert from the normal schedule, but I was just so excited about this next episode of the Tiny DevOps podcast that I decided to release it early. Have a listen, and I’m sure you’ll agree it was appropriate to release this episode today!

Bryan Finster returns to Tiny DevOps, this time to explain the amazing benefits of his new Scaled Agile DevOps Maturity Framework (SAD MF), the silver bullet that you, and literally everyone else, should be using.

In this episode

  • What motivated the invention of the Scaled Agile DevOps Maturity Framework (SAD MF)?
  • How Convoys are superior to Trains for agility
  • An overview of some of the new Agile Ceremonies introduced by this innovative framework
  • The benefits of Scrum of Scrum of Scrum of Scrums
  • How SAD ensures that we build quality in, via the ceremony of the Tribunal
  • How to guard psychological safety of leadership
  • How a SAD MF certification badge exemplifies the value of certification badges
  • Why you should absolutely be SAD MF certified, even if you already have other certifications
  • Why executives love SAD MF: No risk of culture change!
  • Why the titles provided by SAD MF instill confidence in the heirarchy
  • Why nobody dislikes SAD MF
  • The amazing metrics mandated by SAD MF which make manager’s lives seem easier immediately
  • How the SAD MF QA Team frees coders from worrying about user requirements, and whether their code works
  • What changes are coming up in SAD MF 3.0?
Listen, watch, or read the transcript
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