Free online course: Ship better code faster
I'm excited to announce that next week I'll be teaching a free 5-day course for developers who want to streamline their workflow.I’m excited to announce that next week I’ll be teaching a free 5-day course for developers who want to streamline their workflow. Ship better code faster
Are yuou tired of fixing the same bugs over and over again?
Are you ever confused by code you wrote 6 months ago?
Do you spend too much time on repetitive, non-programming tasks?
Do pull requests approvals take too long?
Imagine fixing your bugs once and for all
What if you knew how to write future-proof code that you, or anyone, can understand a year later?
How would you feel if you could spend more time writing code?
Would you like to make pull requests your colleagues are eager to review quickly?
The Tiny DevOps interactive course will show you the way
I’ll teach you the DevOps techniques to improve every one of these challenges, and many more in my 5-day Tiny DevOps interactive course. Why spend hundreds of hours of learning things the hard way when the answers are all right here in one place?