My new-and-improved mailing list
Today I want to let you know that I'm changing the format of my mailing list.
Today I want to let you know that I’m changing the format of my mailing list.
Up to now, this list has served only as an announcement when I write a new blog post. Starting immediately, with this very email, in fact, I’m going to begin sending daily emails, and the content will subtly change. I’ll still include announcements when a new long-form article is published, but more important, I’ll be sharing exclusive content on this list, that is not otherwise shared on my blog.
I’ve been contemplating this for a long time. So why the change? My hope is that we can make this a two-way conversation. That means I want to hear from you any time there’s something on your mind—possibly in response to something I’ve said, or possibly just a question that’s popped into your mind.
Every day, I’ll send you something to help improve your team’s software development productivity. I always focus on the topics related to DevOps (or BizDevOps, or BizDevSecOps), such as effective software development, testing, deployment, and continuous improvement.
Most emails are short and sweet. Just a paragraph or two. Some will link to longer-form content (some by me, some not).
In true Agile fashion, I’ll send you small, self-contained, high-value increments of information.
It will likely come as no suprirse that I will sometimes tell you about my own products and services, too.
At times I will also recommend services and products provided by others. When I do so, it’s because I believe in the product or service, not because I make money from referrals.
If you feel like this new format just isn’t right for you, I completely understand. There’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. Just click it any time, and we can end our email relationship without any hard feelings. (Also, if you liked the old format, and if you’re really motivated, you can continue to follow my blog via RSS.)
Sincerely, Jonathan
P.S. If you have a moment, please hit the REPLY button right now in your email client, and send me a 1-sentence explanation of something you would like me to cover in my new format list to make it valuable for you. I’d really love to know!